Hi everyone, I decided recently to start smoking non-aromatic tobaccos and noticed that some of the ones I bought gives you a nasty sensation in the throat whenever I inhale it. I know I'm not supposed to inhale the smoke of the pipe but I'm an ex-cigarette smoker and I stopped smoking cigarette after I started smoking pipes, so I need that nicotine kick .
But seriously this sensation is ruining my experience. It doesn't start right away, but rather after relighting several times say after smoking half the bowl. This doesn't happen with all tobaccos, only some of them, one of which is Dunhill's Royal Yacht which is a bit surprising because all the reviews I read about were positive. This sensation is hard to describe but it's like a burning in the back of the throat.
Have anybody come across this?
But seriously this sensation is ruining my experience. It doesn't start right away, but rather after relighting several times say after smoking half the bowl. This doesn't happen with all tobaccos, only some of them, one of which is Dunhill's Royal Yacht which is a bit surprising because all the reviews I read about were positive. This sensation is hard to describe but it's like a burning in the back of the throat.
Have anybody come across this?