Here's the deal. There are other pipe forums that are soap operas in the extreme that make this place look like an Amish church service by comparison. One of which was actually founded when another pipe forum imploded - and quickly became infreakintolerable. People there just ripping each other like "The View" when all their periods sync. NOT FUN at all, and boring as all hell, I might add. No names but this particular pipe forum I am talking about can pound sand. They are all a bunch of arrogant dweebs where any member with anything less than a fleet of Castellos and Chonowitsches isn't welcome, and everyone brags about having Todd Johnson's cell phone number. They are the proverbial "cool table at the cafeteria" and YOU ARE NOT.
There is even another forum where before joining, you are required to submit a list of pipes you own, for "approval" so that they make sure they aren't letting any riff raff in. Then, I assume, once you're in, you get the secret decoder ring and learn the secret handshake and wear a weird hat and dance naked in a circle like "Eyes Wide Shut" without the hot women. What a load of Shi'ite.
Here, it's another story. This place is like The Drake of pipe forums. Bitchin knowledge and no one cares if you bought your pipe at Goodwill, and having a Willard doesn't mean you're a loser. Here, it's like "are you smokin a pipe, or collecting crystal unicorns." This place "gets it". A fun site with zero attitudes man. We even have a resident psycho or two to keep things totally interesting. At least here nobody is afraid to let a little criticism and jab go the other direction. Which is what it sounds like happened here. Far as I'm concerned, anyone who critiques anyone's pipes in public should be able to stand the heat (considering you rarely read anything negative about a pipe carver here, it's generally pretty diplomatic).
So for what it's worth, this place is pretty amazing and anyone who dumps it in a big dramatic display will be welcomed elsewhere where dramatic displays are an everyday thing.