My Own Blend's 111

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Apr 6, 2013
You can also find a couple of positive reviews of this on TR.
This is a va/ken/per. I'm not sure if the kentucky is darkfired. Tastes very natural and what IMO is a "real tobacco taste". I'm smoking my first bowl of a new tin that I have just bought. :) I almost always have a tin of this open to smoke from, I guess you call it part of m rotation. I get some kind of wine-like strong smell, or some other kind of alcohol, when I sniff the tin, very obvious, but I almost can't taste it when I smoke it. I can taste the spicyness from the perique, something "dark" from the kentucky and some hay from the virginia. IMO a really good tobacco.



May 25, 2012
roth, I can't say I taste it, per se, but I definitely feel some sort of topping in this flake. I was able to try some through the generosity of mrlowercase, who sent me a sample. While I like the flavors in this blend, I get an overwhelming case of tongue bite from it. Not palate fatigue, not leather tongue, but "bite" from a chemical reaction between the topping and my tongue. I smoke a lot of VA and Vaper flakes, plus blends with dark fired, which I love. None of them give me the trouble that MOB 111 has given me. A shame, too, because the flavors that peak through the citrusy/acidic sensation I get are actally quite nice. It seems to consist of a stoved and/or well aged VA component, which is very different from GLP Triple Play, for example, which has nice, fresh brights and reds.



May 25, 2012
roth, I get a similar, though less pronounced sensation from OGS. Maybe it's some kind of pectin or something added to the flakes to keep them together and to help keep them pliable. Just guessing, here.

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