I have my own old meerschaum 60 years - not smoked 50 - no flavor no matter what the tobacco even with a new churchwarden stem -
i did scrape the daylites to remove buildup in it down to smooth but ... inside remains black still from the cake which seems now to be part of the meerschaum itself - - can i take sandpaper to the inside to take it down to white possibly removing a bit of meerschaum ?? inside is very smooth from scraping but little comes off now when scraped - it remains black -
sanding i suspect will remove the rest & maybe take it down to very light gray as the cake probably was absorbed by the meerschaum - no loss i guess in trying - anyone ever done this ?
the wall is very thick so removing a little from the inside wont affect fragility. the black is not that golden aged color from smoking.
if i do get down to some almost clean white again it should rejuvenate it ... maybe
i did scrape the daylites to remove buildup in it down to smooth but ... inside remains black still from the cake which seems now to be part of the meerschaum itself - - can i take sandpaper to the inside to take it down to white possibly removing a bit of meerschaum ?? inside is very smooth from scraping but little comes off now when scraped - it remains black -
sanding i suspect will remove the rest & maybe take it down to very light gray as the cake probably was absorbed by the meerschaum - no loss i guess in trying - anyone ever done this ?
the wall is very thick so removing a little from the inside wont affect fragility. the black is not that golden aged color from smoking.
if i do get down to some almost clean white again it should rejuvenate it ... maybe