I bought this pipe in April and smoke is 1-2 times a week. I thought I'd post pictures of how it is naturally coloring just from smoking. The top pix are from April and the bottom 4 are from this evening.It's getting there.
Pix from this evening
I have two and they went from that natural color to the most beautiful brown. i will have to post pictures when i go home and get them to show you what you have to look forward to.
That is awesome. My fiance says I'm drooling over a Nording signature freehand, personally I just say it's a glandular problem lol. Thanks for the pic and a heads up on what to expect when I do pull the trigger and get one.
It's a nice pipe. Not very expensive and a fun smoke. It is my first au natural so the fun is watching it take on it's own color. I'll repost in a few months. I've been sticking to Virginias but now I'll step it up a bit to lat blends to see how that affects the color; if at all.
Bradley, I'm, not familar with blowing smoke over a pipe. Lord knows I've blown enough smoke with management over my corporate career, which blissfully ended with my reutrement in 2008.
I actually think unfinished pipes benefit from hand and nose oil as far as coloration goes. Even if you don't rub nose oil on it the oil from your hands whether it inhibits or promotes coloration does lead to a natural patina. Beauty of a pipe you have there.
Nice looking pipe! I've been smoking mine for about 8 years and it is DARK. It's been a companion on 4 continents. Unfortunately yesterday I chomped through the bit I wish I had had the foresight to take before/after pics. Good call!