After admiring many of your Meers, I took Hoosierpipeguys advice and opted for an Altinay.
I'm just part way through my first bowl (HH Syrian Latakia) but I'm blown away by the quality of this Nedim Altinay pipe and the quality and purity of the smoke.
I think I understand what the fuss is about and I'm sure this won't be my last Meer or Altinay.
I'm anxious to see how this colors and will update periodically.

I'm just part way through my first bowl (HH Syrian Latakia) but I'm blown away by the quality of this Nedim Altinay pipe and the quality and purity of the smoke.
I think I understand what the fuss is about and I'm sure this won't be my last Meer or Altinay.
I'm anxious to see how this colors and will update periodically.