Well it finally turned up. I ordered a lovely meer from an ebay seller in Turkey and after about 6 weeks it still hadn't arrived so he sent me a second one which got to Australia in about a week. I offered to pay for the original if it turns up but the seller refused and said its a gift if it does arrive. Nice fella.
The pipe itself is very well made although the stem is slightly off centre. A pedant would probably find it a worry but not me. Plus it was only $90USD delivered so it wasn't too pricey.
Wasted no time in filling it up with one of the few locally available blends and having a smoke. I'm a meerschaum convert folks, they really do smoke cooler than a briar. A bit of a funny smell to start but that will probably disappear with time. What did surprise me was the size of the thing, holds plenty of tobacco and is a nice handful. I'm pretty happy with it and now I'm thinking about a Peterson Sherlock Holmes in meer as well.
The pipe itself is very well made although the stem is slightly off centre. A pedant would probably find it a worry but not me. Plus it was only $90USD delivered so it wasn't too pricey.
Wasted no time in filling it up with one of the few locally available blends and having a smoke. I'm a meerschaum convert folks, they really do smoke cooler than a briar. A bit of a funny smell to start but that will probably disappear with time. What did surprise me was the size of the thing, holds plenty of tobacco and is a nice handful. I'm pretty happy with it and now I'm thinking about a Peterson Sherlock Holmes in meer as well.