I had all four wisdoms pulled at once, never even used the percocet they gave me, it is no big deal. There was a real soreness, but very little pain.
I'd advise a wait and see attitude here. Personally, my mouth was a little more than "sore" the next day.
That being said, when the doctor sliced into me a few years back for that "I don't want any more kids" operation, without giving me the proper amount of anesthesia...now THAT was an almost religious experience in terms of pain. WOW!!!!! I was actually quite happy with my calm reaction, "Boy, I can really feel it on that side," I told him. Inside I was screaming, "Dear #*$&%^# GOD make it stop!!!!!" His shocked look and question, "You can feel that?!?!," led me to realize, this was not normal. Not surprising, I only required standard doses of ibuprofen for a couple of days to deal with the after effects of that.