I popped a fresh tin of Capstan Gold for the Rubio's inauguration, my first time experiencing this blend (though I'm a huge fan of the Blue). I rubbed half a flake out completely, so as to fill this exquisite pipe's chamber halfway. Primarily because I only had time for half a bowl, and I wanted to be certain I'd smoke it all the way down. I understand there is no scientific basis for breaking a pipe in with half-bowls, yet I generally do it that way just the same.
I had read Jose's pipe carving described as meticulous, and that was exactly my experience. Every detail, every nook and cranny of the pipe exudes absolute precision. Not a hair out of place. Not a single feature left to chance. The damn thing practically smoked itself, and every sip was sinfully decadent.
Now, does it smoke 5x better than a $100 pipe? Probably not.
And is this all in my head, or in my expectations, as it were? Maybe so.
One can tighten a rusty old Phillips screw with a crappy gas station flathead screwdriver. It can be done, and it'll probably do its job. But it's nowhere near as satisfying as properly torqueing the finest precision aerospace CNC machined screw with a perfectly sized/matched hex key.
This pipe exhibits the kind of precision that will leave you smiling and content, tucked into your nice warm bed at night, knowing without a doubt that nothing can hurt you--because this pipe is in your arsenal.
Thanks all for the congrats, but I can't help feeling that Mr. Rubio is the one who truly deserves them. This man has absolutely mastered his craft.
In closing, thank you most kindly to these forums for introducing me to this carver.