My First Buzz

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Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 1, 2022
Ok I had reached a point where I have read where some people get a nic buzz or something negative and I am walking around think long well I must be a man’s man. Not me.

Well today I wanted to get away from VaPers and English and go old school. I loaded a big bowl of ready rub and trained on it a while. It was in my Grabow and my bowl got really hot but I finished it. I then thought hey let me try this Amphora Kentucky that I had tried once before. Loaded a bowl a kept a chugging. It burned much cooler and after the burley had a sweeter tangy flavor so yum yum and puff puff. Well went inside and had me a beer. Now feeling a little queasy and light headed and having some hot flashes and an uneasy knot in my throat like I might have eaten some bad pork. I figure I have a nic buzz?

Going to lay myself down and try not to throw up. The good news is I am not dizzy (yet) but praying about it.


Oct 25, 2013
New Zealand
The only good thing about these experiences is they give you a point of reference about where your tolerance is. I know when not to smoke a bowl back to back with another, and when to wait until I have eaten, but only through learning the hard way!


Might Stick Around
Sep 5, 2017
NSW, Australia
I’ve had the sick feeling only once, also after two bowls back to back.

I’m certainly a nic lightweight.

But with most pipes I get a little buzz towards the end of the bowl. Not an unpleasant feeling at all, and I have no other description other than calling it a buzz. Maybe my term for it is completely off but that’s the effect that nic has on me, if I don’t overdo it.

I do know, however, to tread carefully if I do get that buzz, so as to not make myself sick.


Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 7, 2019
New York
In my experience, something sweet like a soda might help. I had people next to me smoking cigars that were strong in nicotine having the same symptoms that you describe. In these cases sweet beverages like Coca Cola helped. YMMV
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Nov 12, 2019
Cincinnati, OH
I think the key to avoiding this is to make sure you've got a meal in you before loading up high Nic blends or having 2-3 pipes in a row. I've been there...maybe once? But mostly I'm just careful to only smoke high Nic blends after eating a good meal.

If you're able to figure out how to handle them, many of the best blends out there are high Nic, including various ropes and flakes from Gawith. Yum!
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Feb 21, 2013
I got lustily puffing my first bowl of Nightcap one night on the front porch. Sure enough, it was my nightcap indeed. And so to bed. Nothing overt, but needing to lie down and sleep. That's how the blend got its name. I've had stronger tobaccos, but by then knew enough to do it on a full stomach with plenty of water imbibed. If you respect the leaf, it usually treats you pretty well.

My worst nic buzz was when I was six years old and my buddy and I pilfered his dad's cigarettes and took them in a Radio Flyer wagon to the construction site of a house down the alley and watched the work from the bushes. When I got home for supper, I was pale green. My mom either didn't notice or decided not to comment. At that age, I recovered quickly. Lucky Strikes.


Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 1, 2022
Lol loved the responses even the suggestion to dip some Copenhagen. That trick worked on me when I was 13 and my older brother told me to lay on my back and close my eyes, with dip still in my mouth. ☹️

Yes sweets helped. Had me some chocolate and a Gatorade. It passed.
Hey now I know my limits.. I have had a couple bowls back to back but never a burley then dark fired.. my cobs bowl are smaller also.
Jul 28, 2016
Regardless of the brand name ,it is always good idea to use pipes with modest chamber size when smoking kentucky dark blends, as far as to cigars, it is always good idea to have something on stomach before lighting up those Toscanis or other strong Cuban-cigars ,my experience tells, they use to be quite sneaky