I have no experience with the older Cope's version of Escudo, so no comment on that one. I do have a lot of experience with AC Peterson Escudo but unfortunately it is hard to compare to the new version because my only AC experience lately is 2001 and 2008 tins. The new stuff is real tasty fresh and if it were not real close I would probably notice something. Age does change this blend a lot so remembering what it tasted like fresh years ago is impossible for me. My memory doesn't work like that, now I can tell you from who I bought those 2001 tins from and how much I paid, but that is about it.
Escudo is a world class blend that all other vapers are judged in my opinion. I am sure that like any blend it has to go through changes because tobacco crops go through changes. I am positive they are not making 2013 Escudo with 2001 tobacco, so as long as it tastes good to me now, that is all I care about.