I'm trying to build a starter selection of briars for a reasonable price via ebay. Do you have any tips on what to look for in a Barling auction?
My best buys have come from auctions that share the same basic factors:
Amateur sellers who are making a few bucks selling grandpa's estate, or stuff they bought at a garage sale. Dealers with a following tend to generate higher prices for the goods they sell.
Ugly photography. The single most important element in an eBay auction is the photography. Bad photography = low bids. I'm good at "reading" photographs, and experienced enough to contact the sellers to request more images when the ones that I've seen leave more questions than provide answers. It's also surprising how many sellers will send you updated pictures without posting them to their listing, which means that you have an advantage over your competition.
Unrestored pipes with good bones. A dirty pipe, fresh from Grandpa's sock drawer, or the attic, but which looks to be in pretty good shape underneath the grime, can often be picked up for a bargain price.
Patience. Watch a lot of auctions for the item you are interested in buying before you start bidding. You'll get a sense of the market, the range of prices vs styles and condition. You reduce your chances of becoming roadkill.
Information. See something you're interested in but about which you have questions? Contact the seller and get your questions answered. If the seller isn't helpful,
Good luck!