I have a friend in Serbja, and his father used to smoke pipe. One day when visiting, he gave me this pipe - more of a joke if anything else, saying that he can't find his father's pipes but he might as well give me this one. When asked if he tried to beat some nails over their head using the pipe instead of the hammer, he said "Yeah ... something like that". The pipe looked hopeless, but I figured .. what the heck, might as well try a full restoration on it, if I fail I fail, nothing to loose here. The "before" pics are no 100% before, as I have already polished the stem and rimmed the pipe. The after pics, well ... I would welcome your feedback :
: The pipe is a no name St. Claude - they seem to have been an item of intense contraband during the cold war times within the ex soviet satellite states, with the exception of Yugoslavia where they were in wide circulation.
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Edited by jvnshr: Title capitalization (please check Rule #9)