He weighs 85lbs, big for his breed, his mother was a champion, when he was born they were going to put him down, I went and got the little rascal, my wife held him while I drove the truck, he"s been her"s. ever since, sleeps on her side of the bed, when he needs to go out he goes to her, he is my dog in name onlyLOL, that breed is a herding breed, does not fear anything, 2 men came on my farm and started to dump trash by my barn, I was drinking my coffee and walked up to them, without my hog leg, but KI was with me , deep growls, my wife was watching from the porch, said they were out of parish, they couldn't"t use our dump so they were gonna use my farm for a dump, they left , I felt uncomfortable but KI was in charge, my wife said those young men were gonna jump you , KI was in charge, he paid for his dog food that day. The old cajun