My Daughter's Trip to Europe

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Jul 1, 2012
Central Oregon
A couple of months ago I had posted seeking advice on how to fund raise for an upcoming Honors Band trip my daughter was taking to Europe. I received several great suggestions that went a long way toward figuring out how to pay for the remaining balance that was outstanding.
I am now happy to report that my daughter's trip has come and she has safely returned. It has been a great blessing listening to her share all the wonderful experiences that she had over the last two and a half weeks. It is still mind blowing for me when I ponder that she has had the opportunity to play concerts in London, Switzerland and Germany.
Thank you again for all the wonderful ideas.



Jul 1, 2012
Central Oregon
I should add, I did not smoke and extra bowl or three because I was nervous while she was traveling, it was because I really really just felt like an extra smoke now and again.....



Apr 26, 2013
Very glad she is back safely!! That is totally awesome. Glad she had a great (and safe) time!!
You must be a proud papa. I would have had to have weed brownies if I had a daughter in Europe... Tobacco wouldn't have covered it.



Jul 31, 2010
Bethlehem, Pa.
Our daughter took a high school trip to Europe 7 months after 9/11 so I understand your situation. It's a great experience for these kids to visit other cultures and the wonderful sights. Even without the turmoil in the world any parent would be nervous with their child an ocean away.

Glad it turned out well for everyone.



Feb 21, 2013
It is a mind expanding experience for anyone, but especially a young person, to travel. Though there are wonderful family trips, I think when young people go with a group other than family it is especially enriching. Also, it makes it much more natural for her to visit other countries now that she had done that, before a reluctance sets in. I think travel gives much greater perspective to our view of our own country as well. I think audiences in Europe enjoyed hearing some music from America too.



Jul 1, 2012
Central Oregon
She plays the french horn, trumpet and electric bass. For the trip she played the french horn.
I will add that my daughter was born with a kidney defect which made her first days a bit touch and go. Seventeen years and several surgeries later she has grown into a wonderful young lady. Her mother and I are very blessed. I remember when we were just praying for her survival, and now we get to watch her take steps that we have never taken. There is no greater joy to a parent than seeing your kids taking what you have done and growing beyond.
By the way I am a very proud papa.



Jun 5, 2010
Cornelius, NC
I played French horn all through high school in concert season, normally a trumpet player. Hope she keeps playing the rest of her life, which is something she couldn't do with sports.



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
jndyer" Good on her! And you. Kids should always widen their horizons, see how others live, and enjoy some sights in another country. Her life has been immensely enriched. I bet she came back some stories, some of which she can share with you now. Others? Perhaps in a few years.
hobie1dog: Sports are for life also. I've watched ninety year olds bowling, softball, fishing,jogging, golfing (pulling a cart no less). There's at least 2 in their eighties still playing hockey, old mens league, no checking but, they're still skating. I'm seventy and still skating, no hockey though, skiing, swimming, never was a jogger, still riding a bike now and then, not much I can't do. I do it slower of course and with a little less elan.
In Alaska there is a annual traveling roadshow which is open only to old folks. They compete running, playing softball, and many other sports. Some of my old teammates still compete in Charles Shultz's "Snoopy's Senior World Hockey Tournament" in California. My eighty something high school hockey coach returns to Alaska every winter to compete in an alumnae tournament.
Athletics and sports ain't just for kids anymore. The rules change, the games softened up a bit, and the competition is mostly friendly. My hip is healed, soon to be replaced I think, and I'm looking forward to getting back on the ice.

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