The temperature of the water in the beginning of July is a bit too cold for my liking if it were more into the month of Aug i would have been all up in that Georgian Bay freshness. i will most likely revisit thhis place in Aug during my camping trip at Sauble Beach there only about an hour and 45 min away from each other.There doesn't appear to be many people going for a swim.
They never bother anyone i only seen them from a distance. we also had a small black bear come on our camp site snooping around like yogi bear until the site owner came by with some bear bangers(LOAD BLANKS) and scared it off.I don't mind the snakes as long they aren't coming after me.
I haven't seen a massasuga since I divorced golf. They were occasionally seen at a golf course near Clarkston, Mi. Usually in places I wasn't trying to put my ball. But there are plenty of the common garter snakes around.The pic of the massasauga rattler is a nice one!