I make a habit of proofreading my posts, and many times I've clicked the edit icon and
gone back to fix up the error, but I miss a few. For example, on a recent What Are You
Smoking post in my description of my home mix, I said Altadis Dark Obsession was
Black Cavendish flavored with rum, whereas it's walnut. Since I'm sending some of this
to a Forums member to try, this must be confusing. I was confusing it, I guess, with
Altadis' aromatic Queen Anne's Revenge, which is Va/Bur/Cav flavored with rum, to honor
the namesake of Blackbeard's flagship, Queen Anne's Revenge in the pirate theme. I guess
because I am posting at various times of the day and night, my concentration sometimes
wavers, but I'll try to get 'em right. Also misspoke in one post saying that cigar leaf was in
C&D's Big 'n Burley, whereas it is in their Billy Budd. Being correct is good. As possible.
The point is, always good to fact check your stuff and to proofread.
gone back to fix up the error, but I miss a few. For example, on a recent What Are You
Smoking post in my description of my home mix, I said Altadis Dark Obsession was
Black Cavendish flavored with rum, whereas it's walnut. Since I'm sending some of this
to a Forums member to try, this must be confusing. I was confusing it, I guess, with
Altadis' aromatic Queen Anne's Revenge, which is Va/Bur/Cav flavored with rum, to honor
the namesake of Blackbeard's flagship, Queen Anne's Revenge in the pirate theme. I guess
because I am posting at various times of the day and night, my concentration sometimes
wavers, but I'll try to get 'em right. Also misspoke in one post saying that cigar leaf was in
C&D's Big 'n Burley, whereas it is in their Billy Budd. Being correct is good. As possible.
The point is, always good to fact check your stuff and to proofread.