I think trying to put competition into the Arts is very wrong, and I get all worked up anytime I see that stupid shit on TV where they have a competition and have to declare someone the "winner"...makes me mad enough to smack your Grandmother. Everyone is unique, and has different voices/styles/level of emotion that they display. How can you determine and or judge the emotional intensity and communication a performer conveys to the audience? YOU CAN'T
Well I guess earlier in this thread when you decided to post for whatever reason that you weren't a fan of country music, that wasn't enough? You had to offer your two dollars worth to make sure we all understood that you're way better than everyone else (again), like you constantly do elsewhere? Seriously man, every time someone posts a thread you don't agree with, you have to make it into a moral/political argument, here you're going way overboard calling the whole exercise "stupid shit" and wanting to smack someone's grandmother?? Seriously man, get off the caffeine or whatever it is, and chill, there's this thing called the back button on your browser, works a-ok with things you don't agree with. Otherwise maybe this internet thing isn't for you, because guess what, you encounter things you don't like from time to time, maybe you should ignore them instead of urinating on everyone's casual fun.
By the way, I wouldn't normally make an issue out of your anger, but you do this
constantly man, you came into my thread about war movies and totally went OFF ripping everyone a new one because we were "sheeple" (despite the fact that everything you posted was a generic bumpersticker political term, including the use of the word "sheeple" itself), you also did it in my movie contest about horror movies, where you basically called everyone out personally saying something to the degree that people who like horror movies are beneath you (??? we're all on the same website man), I mean seriously, don't be surprised about my pushback but I get a little tired of you flaming everyone because they have a different mindset than you, it's just a freakin contest man, back off and have a nice day aloha...
Or as you always seem to put it after you exert so much misdirected anger putting everyone in their place, :nana: