Naturals blends come in several types. I'd try one of each:I'm kinda bored with aros, any suggestions for a style of baccy that is the "next" step for a fairly new piper?
+1, You might also try some English Aromatics such as Lane Limited HGL, a very good introduction, more English than Aromatic.Frog Morton series will get you started easily on English style blends
Seconded, can't forget about Nightcap and 965 when you're trying to learn English blends!Guys, no Nightcap? Come on!
Most, the vast majority, stay with aromatics. I think anyone that is on the forums or perhaps in a pipe club will naturally move to nonaromatics as the choices are so vast. I read somewhere that Captain Black is the biggest seller in the U.S. hard to believe if you go by our tastes on here. 1Q is the largest selling bulk blend. I'm not putting either one down as I enjoy both on occasion.I transitioned from aros to english blends as do most people