:crazy: Oy vey....I struggled for quite some time on whether this should be addressed via PM or public post, and decided on the latter.
1. The thread title was in asterisks so as NOT to offend people. Choosing to venture into such a thread should imply you might be in for something raunchy.
2. If someone's language is offensive, in any situation, handle it one on one. That's the mature thing. Generalizations that insult people's intelligence or upbringing are absolutely uncalled for.
3. Cursing exists, and has existed, in both upper class and lower class, higher education and no education, right wing and left wing. Also, this site if for pipe smokers, meaning we expect you to be old enough to see an R rated movie. Therefore, you should be able to handle some exposure to language that some of us prefer to use in times like this, even if you prefer not to partake.
Lastly, in regards to the OP........That f***in sucks balls man!