I really enjoy a good pipe smoke.I am relatively new and still exploring.So far I have tried about 4 english blends,I am not sure if all of these are english here goes,#1dunhill nightcap,#2frog morton celler,#3frog morton on the bayou,#4Virginia woods.I have noticed that the first three smell and almost taste the same campfirey,vinagery sutly sweet,Virginia woods to me does not have much taste to it,it does kind of smell like cloves.I have to say my pick out of these is On the bayou it is a sweet rich smoke,cool not tongue scorching hot.I tried a few aros but they burned a little too hot for me.I really like Virginia tobacco,Orlik golden sliced and Dunhill royal yacht are a good morning smoke for me.Could someone that has tried elizebethen mixture tell me what they think about it or recommend a rich sweet very strong english,I heard that artisans blend is good to what are some good strong englishes a little different from the rest?cool smoking a plus.