Damn! This is awesome hfearly! Ask and ye shall receive, you're fast!!!
I think work like this is valuable on multiple levels. I think it transcends market research and enters into a phenomenological field and the "primacy of perception" -- The quality or nature of a given experience is often referred to by the term qualia, whose archetypical exemplar is "redness". For example, we might ask, "Is my experience of redness the same as yours?" While it is difficult to answer such a question in any concrete way, the concept of intersubjectivity is often used as a mechanism for understanding how it is that humans are able to empathise with one another's experiences, and indeed to engage in meaningful communication about them.
Crunching the numbers as you have, and structuring them in such a way as to be easily graspable, can provide an interesting window to glimpse such a vast sociological construct as the psychological territories of pipe-smokers through mathematical mapmaking.
I appreciate your efforts and I thank you.