Mornings: Do You Prepare For Battle?

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May 30, 2022
When Inretired I struggled and I realized that after being on a schedule for almost 50 years (college included) I needed a schedule, was an aha moment . So coffee, walk two miles, shower and shave, then couple of pipe bowls, then will read, maybe fish, maybe kayak, maybe a nap. Jeopardy and Netflix’s, no news and yeah this forum for my sanity.


Feb 21, 2013
Both my late wife and my wife are/were night owls, so early rising is out. Nonetheless, in both cases, I'm the breakfast cook and morning person, and I have it timed out so while the kettle is heating the water for my wife's French press coffee, I'm setting up the plates and toast or other breakfast items, and going out to pick up the paper. If there's time, I read the business section while she reads the other sections. When I'm making her coffee, I'm percolating mine on the stove top. Once we're both caffeinated and fed, I take my meds and feed the cats. Then, I come and get the mini-puzzle from my wife and work it. Sometimes I'll check my email and Forums, and then I'm off for my day's projects, chores, errands. The whole launch is about two hours, with tooth brushing, shaving, etc., worked in there somewhere. Mundane though it sounds, there is a kind of ritual to it. I especially like the walk to the curb to get the paper, commune with the day, whether sunshine or umbrella weather, and hear what birds are about, just glad to be here.

Ahi Ka

Feb 25, 2020
Aotearoa (New Zealand)
I wake up most days between 4 and 5, normally with a kick in the balls from one of my children. It’s then a half a work day slog of making breakfast, getting dressed, brushing teeth and hair, toilet, cleaning the toilet, getting dressed again, making breakfast again, and on those rare occasions where I decided to serve yoghurt, getting dressed again…and that’s just helping the little bastards. I’m always in my pjs, hungry and still holding in last night’s dinner as we race out the door.

edit: just in case my wife ever reads this. Yes I’m aware we wouldn’t be so rushed if I got off this forum and stopped trolling eBay for estate pipes the entire time
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Jan 14, 2012
Southwest Louisiana
I let Buddy out, make coffee, brush teeth while coffee is making, get cigar, pour a cup, go out on surround porch on 100 yr old house, light up, watch early morning traffic on old farm road, mostly school buses and farm equipment, wood duck boxes across the road are busy, donkey down the road brays, cats tease Buddy, they love being chased by him.
Jan 27, 2020
I let Buddy out, make coffee, brush teeth while coffee is making, get cigar, pour a cup, go out on surround porch on 100 yr old house, light up, watch early morning traffic on old farm road, mostly school buses and farm equipment, wood duck boxes across the road are busy, donkey down the road brays, cats tease Buddy, they love being chased by him.

Sound idyllic!

Egg Shen

Nov 26, 2021
I used to wake up and have sex every morning also, but then it started to wake up the wife, so...
I thought he meant Penny farthing or perhaps Le Petit Robin
When Inretired I struggled and I realized that after being on a schedule for almost 50 years (college included) I needed a schedule, was an aha moment . So coffee, walk two miles, shower and shave, then couple of pipe bowls, then will read, maybe fish, maybe kayak, maybe a nap. Jeopardy and Netflix’s, no news and yeah this forum for my sanity.
love the No news stance. Same here.
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Jan 27, 2020
That's what the P&C catalogs are for. :poop:rotf

Well, let me TMI u. I have not been that regular most my life and like a year ago I was reading how we get dehydrated during sleep... so every morning I started to make this electrolyte concoction which is just a glass of water, juice of 1/2 a lemon, less than a teaspoon of salt and that of honey, and it has made a HUGE difference.


Staff member
Jul 28, 2013
Now that I'm retired (stay at home dad/ home school teacher) things are much different. Now I get to enjoy a pipe with my coffee first thing in the morning, while I wait for both my eyes to open up. The only thing that is the same no matter what, is the dog gets fed first thing. No coffee, no bathroom, no pipe, feed dog. She races (and I mean RACES) you to the food dish and howls. Literally howls untill she's fed. We only feed her in the morning, so for her, it's like her pipe and coffee. Mornings don't start till that's over.



Feb 2, 2019
Basel, Switzerland
Wake up between 6:30 and 7, walk the dog, put coffee on, feed the dog, drink coffee while puffing on a half pipe, then eventually toilet, dress and go :/ weekends are the same bar long dog walk with pipe and a call to my dad or mom and breakfast.


Might Stick Around
Jan 5, 2022
Southwest TX
I am still working on a morning ritual as our 1 year old daughter has changed things a bit...for the best of course. Lately the weekday trend is I'm awake by 6-6:30 along with baby, do a diaper change, get her ready so my wife can drop her off at my in-laws on her way to work. They are usually out by 6:45-6:50 (I work remotely) I feed our dog and he eats while I "drop the kids off at the pool", by 7:00 the dog and I are out the door for a 1.5 mile walk (helps reduce stress and anxiety for me) We are usually back by 7:25ish (been timing the walk). At that point I'm ready for coffee or morning tea and to start the work day.


May 7, 2022
Piss,Pour over cowboy coffee, and EMP then web surfing till I get a call from the mountain with what supplies are not there ,who’s not coming in/who’s getting fired. Then I tend the chickens I get in the truck.


Aug 16, 2010
Wake up, pour a cup of coffee, sip coffee, watch the news, check email messages, clean up, get dressed, eat something, work out on the treadmill, light my first bowl of the day and get to work on the compluter-I'm fortunate to have been working remotely from home since Covid.


Can't Leave
Jan 24, 2013
Wake. Prayer. Morning ablutions. Singular coffee. If a late day, second coffee and pipe in my smoking tent (the "Fortress of Paulitude").


Nov 26, 2018
Lake Martin, AL
I’m usually up by 4, grab some coffee and a pipe. Head out to feed the cows and horses. Come back to the house and make a big breakfast, put on my turnout gear and head into work ( sheriffs dept). As of Oct 1, I will be officially retired so no more vest, gun, cuffs etc. selling the ranch and going to slow down and move to a lake in Alabama. I hope to have have a much simpler life than here in Aspen. I might even sleep in until 6:30!
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Oct 16, 2020
I’m usually up by 4, grab some coffee and a pipe. Head out to feed the cows and horses. Come back to the house and make a big breakfast, put on my turnout gear and head into work ( sheriffs dept). As of Oct 1, I will be officially retired so no more vest, gun, cuffs etc. selling the ranch and going to slow down and move to a lake in Alabama. I hope to have have a much simpler life than here in Aspen. I might even sleep in until 6:30!
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