So I'm looking at my pipe collection, this morning, all in bits and pieces (cleaning everything) on my work-bench bureau, and I'm sipping spun-cut Kentucky/VA with the wisps of thin, spiderweb smoke all wafting 'round my brain. I'm thinking about my antique store pipes, which ones should I refurbish first, I'm thinking about the lovely taste of cheap bulk tobacco, I'm thinking about buying a new pipe, and I'm thinking about buying lots and lots of new tobacco. I ask myself, where does it all end? I'll have to get rid of some of my old pipes, or buy more racks, I'll have to dig a big hole in my yard and get some concrete to make a new cellar, I'll have to get a second job, I guess.
Why is it so hard to be satisfied? Some times I feel as though I get so close to satisfaction that I scoff at the side of me that just wants more. I quit looking ahead at the pipe in the store window and look down at the pipe in my hand, the tins on display and the baccy in my bowl, and I breathe a deep breath, and relax. I say to myself that I'm rambling again, and it's a lovely morning. I'm just gonna finish this post and puff away in the sunshine.
But I am wondering, or musing, rather as the title suggests, how you guys out there are doing with these problems, these incessant needs for more tobacco, more pipes. I'm a blue collar worker, I make 16 bucks an hour. Why would I possibly spend any more than a couple bucks on this stuff a week? What's wrong with us? I see how quickly the symptoms appear in new pipers, and remember how I, myself, was so glad to trade in my cigarettes for the pipe, thinking how much money I would save!
But then again, on a day like this; when the sun is shining on the back porch and the coffee's fresh, when I pack my cob with something truly delicious, I don't care about the money, and everything is beautiful. I just can't wait for that tin of Blakeney's Bayou Slices to arrive in the mail...
Why is it so hard to be satisfied? Some times I feel as though I get so close to satisfaction that I scoff at the side of me that just wants more. I quit looking ahead at the pipe in the store window and look down at the pipe in my hand, the tins on display and the baccy in my bowl, and I breathe a deep breath, and relax. I say to myself that I'm rambling again, and it's a lovely morning. I'm just gonna finish this post and puff away in the sunshine.
But I am wondering, or musing, rather as the title suggests, how you guys out there are doing with these problems, these incessant needs for more tobacco, more pipes. I'm a blue collar worker, I make 16 bucks an hour. Why would I possibly spend any more than a couple bucks on this stuff a week? What's wrong with us? I see how quickly the symptoms appear in new pipers, and remember how I, myself, was so glad to trade in my cigarettes for the pipe, thinking how much money I would save!
But then again, on a day like this; when the sun is shining on the back porch and the coffee's fresh, when I pack my cob with something truly delicious, I don't care about the money, and everything is beautiful. I just can't wait for that tin of Blakeney's Bayou Slices to arrive in the mail...