If you are outside the USA or in the EU, more tobacco, more tobacco, and more tobacco, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!
I am 'neighbor' of the Queen, you could always get nice and decent pipes here, Peterson (my favorite), Dunhill, Ben Wade, Stanwell........
BUT not tobacco. Based on my experiences, the prices of different tobacco are not stable. 'Luckily', the stock is more unstable....... Let's say you find a good smoke which you hope to convert it to be everyday smoking for the next four weeks. Once you finish the tin you have after two weeks, you visit your tobacconist friend again, he may tell you that this tobacco has been sold out and your tobacconist will phone you when it in stock. in this case, I will normally expect he/she to call me after Christmas;-).
You will also find that some nice tobacco might be discontinued in the UK or other countries in the EU. For example, the entire range of Dunhill tobacco was being discounted in 2017, including early morning, nightcap and flake. Although the range has been reproduced by Peterson, it was a disaster. I always expect that my day to day favorites may be discontinued for some reason in the future.
So get more tobacco you like if you can.