I've noticed with my limited experience, that learning to smoke a pipe is like anything else, you can read all you like. It will help to prepare you and give you insight, but unless you do it, you'll never know. I started with some sweet aro's, and I still overall prefer the aro's, yet the tongue bite that accompanied the first few bowls, were enough to make me stop and figure out where I was going worng instead of pushing through the pain. My biggest issue was speed at which I was smoking, I smoked way too hot and packed too tight. Since I realized my fault, it was like a revelation, and I now I enjoy almost all the aromatics I try and never have an issue. What I'm trying to get at, is you need to keep working at it, and pay attention to how you're doing things, if you find something to be uncomfortable, then change things up and see what happens, either way once you find it, it'll all be amazing and pleasant smokes from there on.