Molto Dolce in 8oz Tins

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A few years ago it was the tobacco of the year for several shows, so I got excited. It was constantly out at all of the online venues, so when I finally saw it was stocked, I bought a dozen cans without trying it. It lived up to the hype. It was very good tasting tobacco, and people within twenty yards of me were drawn to say something nice. Women's knees buckled, guys were begging me to tell them where to get a pipe.

But, to this day I haven't made it past three tins. I save it for date nights and for events here in town, so that I can smoke for the crowd. But, I don't just kick back and smoke this completely for myself, and I've given away several of the tins. It may take me a couple of more years to get through the few tins that I haven't given away.
It is very good, but I highly suggest trying it before leaping into a huge overstock like I have.


Strike Anywhere

Can't Leave
Nov 9, 2011
Central United States
I never said I wanted to buy 8oz tins or bulk for myself. I was mainly just trying to start a dialogue about the issue since it seems to be such a popular blend, and I see many people here posting about it. I apologize, I didn't realize I wasn't allowed to bring up subjects that may not impact me directly.
You're right, if/when I want Molto Dolce, a small tin is good enough for me. As I mentioned in a subsequent post referencing Russ O's recent article referring to the "average" pipe smoker and the "hobbyist" pipe smoker, I included myself in that hobbyist group. Still yet, there are many blends I buy in bulk and partion into smaller jars, but aromatics aren't typically one of those.
I apologize if it seemed like I was "complaining" about the lack of availability of a popular aromatic tobacco in bulk form. I just thought it might make for some intersting discussion given Russ's article about the buying habits of pipe smokers.

Oh, and to your original post... since we're just keeping it hypothetical, and all that. It might be that Sutliff is making money on this blend that it doesn't quite yet want to turn over to bulk. It has been a while since the online vendors have run out, but for a while it was running dry faster than they could restock. It's bound to be a money maker. They are running commercials on this one blend alone, and it seems like whenever more than a dozen people smoke a pipe, they toss everyone a free tin, shows, events, and such...



Can't Leave
Mar 18, 2014
I think you guys are likely on the right thought process. They're probably doing great business on the blend, and offering it in an 8 oz tin or bulk would cut into the profit margin on a popular blend. They're playin' it smart with a good thing.
I havn't tried Molto Dolce, but I probably will still. I like aromatics in my meerschaum.
Frozenchurchwarden - Autumn Evening is (I believe) virginia tobacco that has been flavored, and virginia tobacco tends to be sweeter naturally by its very nature - maybe that has something to do with it?



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 12, 2014
I agree with ravenwolf (btw love the name), From what i have noticed the smaller the tine the more expensive it is over all. If you buy two 50g tins if it has a 100g tin that larger tin will cost less then the two 50g.
So if the blend is still highly enjoyed in its smaller tin then the company will enjoy the profits.



Dec 12, 2012
Yeah, I should have tried to come up with a friendlier-sounding word than "complaining." I didn't mean to sound like a jerk, so I apologize if I came across that way. I probably should have just admitted that I was confused by your post and explained why.
Take care,



Dec 11, 2012
I had read this post, and then found myself perusing the latest P&C catalog, in which several of Sutliff's blends are flagged as being available in 8 oz. tins - but not Molto Dolce. My guess (being relatively new and not having studied business) is that if demand gets high enough, it might be made available - which would explain the marketing push, which in turn would drive demand (if their marketing works the way marketing is supposed to), which in turn would lead them to add an 8 oz. option to the product line and still make enough of a profit to justify the expense associated with an extra label, another space in the warehouse for storage, etc. etc. etc.
In short, while it evidently isn't there yet, the infrastructure is in place should demand justify the offering. At least, that's my take on it.



Aug 1, 2013
Is the MD about the most flavorful vanilla out there? Let me clarify, the one you can taste the MOST vanilla?
Is there something else that would come close beyond the creme brulee???



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 31, 2013
From what i have noticed the smaller the tine the more expensive it is over all. If you buy two 50g tins if it has a 100g tin that larger tin will cost less then the two 50g.
So if the blend is still highly enjoyed in its smaller tin then the company will enjoy the profits.
Except that it costs less for blenders to put 8 oz of tobacco into one tin rather than four. I imagine the profit margins are pretty similar, and that the price point on larger containers reflects the fact that they spend less on materials and labor to tin larger quantities.

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