Missouri Meerschaum Crack Outside of Bowl

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Aug 12, 2018
I have had my Missouri Meerschaum for about 2 1/2 years. It is my everyday pipe.. I smoke Captain Black and it tends to smoke hot in my pipe. When I have felt it getting hot I have let the pipe rest and then return to smoking the bowl. I believe a crack has started to form and I don't want to make it worse by smoking it if I can fix it. The crack is on the outside of the bowl and does not break through into the inside. Any advice or tips would be most appreciated
Christopher Pipe Crack.jpg


Aug 12, 2018
If it's uniform all around, it suggests that it's two pieces—as unlikely as that may seem.

I'd bet MM would be interested in that. Have you contacted them?
No I have not contacted them.. I figure they see cracks everyday but I think I will now that you suggested it.


Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
When you say drawn.. Are you saying it looks like I drew it or is that a pipe term that I am unfamiliar with? If I could draw that good I would not be working where I do lol.
I don't think anyone is suggesting that YOU drew it, but it does look like it was drawn on with a pen or something. It's definitely a unique crack.


Feb 2, 2019
Basel, Switzerland
Aren't these pipes made with a coating of plaster of paris? Would it be unreasonable to repair with such?
This one doesn't look like it is plastered though, merely ground around. Not knowing anything about this specific pipe, and only smoking cobs for a few months now, I'd think it may be a design feature - nature doesn't build in straight lines - unless I'm talking out my backside and this wasn't there when it was bought.

Yep, google confirms it's part of the design, your pipe's perfect. It's possible that smoking hot caused the cob to warp a bit and the gap widened, smoke slower :P
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