I'm new to the hobby, myself. As with so many other things, the dictum "you get what you pay for" holds true in the pipe world - you can get a decent smoking briar pipe for relatively little money, but there are clear differences between various price points, just as there are with musical instruments or cars or sporting goods. Missouri Meerschaum corncob pipes were a very pleasant surprise to me. I had grown up with images of Al Capp's Dogpatch, and assumed that corncob pipes were cheap, disposable, and the sort of thing people smoked because they couldn't afford anything better. Boy, was I wrong. While they are certainly inexpensive to the point of being disposable, they provide a very pleasant smoking experience, and are remarkably forgiving for the novice pipe smoker. They don't require the break-in period that briar pipes do, and they don't seem to impart any flavors to the tobacco (at least I haven't noticed if they do - but I'm new at this, as noted...). I've been very happy with my Missouri Meerschaum purchases, and with the money I've saved on pipes, I can afford to experiment with a wider variety of tobaccos while I'm learning!