Sorry, but just what do you mean by wishing to try a blend that is 'pure' and not 'blended'? Mississippi River is a blend of Oriental, Perique and Latakia tobaccos. Take one away and it is no longer Mississippi River.... would like to try it pure and - not blended. Any learned advice?
I'd be more than happy to give you any feedback I can give. However, I still don't understand your question? I smoke Mississippi River on a somewhat regular basis and find it quite pleasing. With that said, I'm still at a loss as to what you mean by trying it 'pure', and not 'blended'?"To Dream The Impossible Dream"... Sorry for the Stupid Question, Sir. At 65, Humility strikes at the most inopportune time to remind me of my place... Hahahaha. I have visited this web site and would sincerely appreciate your learned feedback; and thanks. -
True, but the blend of it's components will still remain the same, i.e.,Oriental, Perique and Latakia tobaccos.In fact from one year to the next every single component may be sourced from completely different places.
My best suggestion would be to keep reading and searching posts on this site as it's very informative. As to what a 'best' blend is there is emphatically no such thing on earth and by NO means let anyone suggest otherwise. What may seem like like gold to me, albeit I've yet to find it, or what anyone else deems as 'best' is mere folly as everyone's taste is different and subjective. Other than that you'll simply have to explore different blends on your own and hopefully find your niche, as it were, and then go from there and explore more. That's just part and parcel of the journey in pipe smoking.A suggestion as to where you have acquired the best bend would be most appreciated and remembered.