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Feb 21, 2013
Since I'm a one-bowl a day guy (average, some days none, some days two or three) I am not as badly affected as the all-day smokers, but it hurts. Trying to find an upbeat aspect of this, it equalizes the market for the brick and mortar shops that must charge the tax to one and all. Also for the online retailers who do charge tax, like Iwan Ries. The vice tax appeals to state legislators because it affects groups with not much voting clout, like the small demographic of pipe smokers. I don't have much of a stash, shouldn't call it a cellar, but it would last me for years as it is. But it has to dampen the customer base. The prices of cigars certainly make me a once month cigar smoker.


Can't Leave
Mar 11, 2020
Newark, Ohio
Yep welcome to the club. Ohio hammers us too with the excise taxes on top of the regular tax. I'm not sure the percentage but it's ridiculous.
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Jul 26, 2021
At least we can get tobacco shipped to us unlike WA. Knowing that makes me less bummed. Also, I figure visiting Indiana more often might not be such a bad thing now =D

I'm not complaining. It was a public service announcement to give a heads up to Michiganders, who have a strong presence on the forum.

You pay to play and taxes are certain. Also, no one gets out of life alive.
Jul 26, 2021
Interesting there's a number of Michiganders on here? Many in the Detroit/Ann Arbor area or mostly up north?
Those that post are either in the Metro-Detroit or Grand Rapids areas from what I have seen.

I was born in Detroit, raised in the suburbs, lived in Lansing for 18 years and returned to Metro-Detroit about 3 years ago. I work all over the eastern side of the state, but don't get past Lansing often any more.
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Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 2, 2022
New England
In his opening line the OP acknowledges that requirement has been around for "years." It appears the "complainer" was unaware of the tax though. Ignorance is bliss until knowledge hits you on the head with a sledgehammer.

The vendors?

The vendors aren't responsible for paying the tax. In most cases it's the purchaser, end user.
I believe he is referring to the State govs as the thieves. He isn't wrong there, if that's the case.
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Jan 7, 2020
Well I placed an order and the excise tax wasn't too bad. It worked out to be about another 6% of the MSRP for the tobacco. I don't love paying it but it's still much better than what you have to pay in other countries.
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Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
I believe he is referring to the State govs as the thieves.
Taxes are what politicians do, "govs", legislators, etc. It's their life blood and it's all done legally with the concurrence of the electorate. There is a way to to defeat them but, it takes paying attention, donating to the pol of choice, campaigning for the pol of your choice and getting out the vote. Or, you can sit around and bemoan how everyone is "picking on you." It's a choice you make come election time, get involved or sit in the peanut gallery and bitch. But, bemoaning taxes on a netsite does nothing to improve your situation. You're just typing to type and killing time.

You knew tobacco was taxed, gonna be taxed more as time went on yet, had little to no support from the electorate, and yet, you opted to take up the pipe. I fail to see yours and others' complaint. Just accept or, work to change the situation and, most importantly, enjoy a bowl now and then.


Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 2, 2022
New England
I very actively work against taxes and vote accordingly. It's my personal belief that a government should not be rich in taxes, but rich in support of the individuals right to self determination. Also, the internet is a place where we can go and do exactly this, bemoan the woes of over taxation of a product I have enjoyed for many years, or really any other topic any one chooses.
Tell me, what good does a tax do for you? Where do you ACTUALLY see a benefit? Do you get to really see where your dollars were applied? No. Your money may be (and likely is) going to fund something you may be diametrically opposed to. If we lived in a REAL democratic republic, The states would be federally taxed, we would only pay state taxes. Then have the right to vote on EXACTLY what our dollars go to, regardless of what the Mob votes for. Ie: State on your tax filing where all (or percentages of clarified by yourself) funds are to go to such as road maintenance, Environmental issues, defense, welfare. In a capitalist society, voting with your money is orders of magnitude more powerful than voting with a ballot. That is why we are not allowed to, and why taxation is theft. Don't get me wrong, I support capitalism. I just want the right to determine where my money goes, or else its just stolen and used against me and my families interests.

PS: Your tagline... I love it.
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Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
I just want the right to determine where my money goes, or else its just stolen and used against me and my families interests.
I do not believe that "right" appears in The Constitution or the Bill of Rights. If you desire such a right to be granted to "we the people" you are gonna need the public support, pretty much nationwide, to put an amendment in place. You certainly can't rely on the politicians to enact such an amendment. Or, as is usually done these days, get some members of the judiciary to make policy. It's been done, often, even though it was at one time prohibited by the, now ever morphing Constitution.

In many jurisdictions laws prohibit dedicating certain taxes to specific problems. Imagine the chaos if every taxpayer could select his favorite issue on which to spend his taxes. That's why we elect people to determine where the money goes. I vote with a ballot and my donations to certain candidates. But, totally self-serving taxpayers? In charge of spending? Not gonna happen!

At one time the US was "a country of laws." These days, in my opinion, we have become "a country of ... well, I don't quite know anymore. "A country of can't we all just get along?" "A country of me?"

Damned if I can find a proper label! And, now I afraid I've triggered a train wreck.
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Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 2, 2022
New England
Oh, belated thanks for the nice words.
I have no argument ? we all have opinions and the right to speak them. I agree with on the constitutional process. You see, where I am, my interests are probably (I'm making an assumption here, and I admit that's often foolish) aligned with your own. But unfortunately I'm in a "stronghold" state, where only a portion of the candidates are ever listened to, and even less of their constituents.
Jul 26, 2021
Interesting development:

PC is currently offering a sale on Captain Black to Michigan residents where the listed price includes the excise tax so you know what you are "shooting" at. In other words, it is "out the door" pricing.

I think it's a great marketing campaign, but would want it applied across the board (in stead of just one size of a certain blend).