My turn. As is usual, we had a great time, despite the near-death experience with an out of control SUV, with jkrug maneuvering us out of danger like an old hand. We'll have to rethink these winter trips, Jud. And why didn't you tell anyone that I managed not to buy any pipes? But I did pick up a couple of bags of Creme Brelan (sp) and some of Paul's famous Arrowhead--enough to justify the hairraising ride, and this trip, in particular, I just had to go to to be able to personally thank jkrug for the super pipe racks he made for me. Presently, I'll post a picture of those racks in their new display (I'll explain all that in another week or so). One downer: my tobacco pouch slipped out of my carry-all book bag and into J's backseat! But that aside, a great trip. Wonder what we'll do next month, or should we take a breather for December, consisdering what a rat race that month usually is. Maybe a trip to H&H?
Let me also make this an opportunity to ask, plead, beg, for other gents and ladies to think about coming to one of our meetings. We really need to inflate our membership a bit. Til next time!