I have 2 Kirstens and 2 Falcons and I really like them. :D I don't think I have any Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, but after you clean them, you know they are really CLEAN. Other pipes have hidden nooks and crannies that you wonder about. :laughat:
You can order a Kirsten made up as you want it:
Falcons also have many possible combinations you can order.
As for "the way they look", they look like pipes to me, as do cobs and clays. Not like some of those freehand abortions that I wouldn't call a pipe by any stretch. :P
My only criticism is that most of the bowls are so small. The exception being the "Hyperbowl" available on the Falcon that gives me nearly a 2 hour smoke like most of my other pipes. The others are good for a short 30-minute blast.