Just received my package from the UPS man this morning. It's my Christmas present to myself. On the right, a tin of C&D Black Frigate, 7 Seas Black Blend, and an IM Corona Old Boy lighter!
The lighter itself, WOW!! It comes in a padded, faux leather box and the lighter itself is wrapped in a cloth baggie inside the box. The weight and feel of this lighter is unreal. Worth every penny!
The stuff on left was in a ziploc baggie marked "Free Gift!!" It included a tin of Hearth&Home Sunjammer and various samples including H&H Sweet & Savory (smells amazing btw), an unmarked pouch of some nice smelling tobacco, and a sample pouch of Peter Stokkebye "Golden Dansk." Also a Pipes and Cigars 2012 calendar!
Thank you Pipesandcigars.com, really made made day, especially after a crappy morning at work!
The lighter itself, WOW!! It comes in a padded, faux leather box and the lighter itself is wrapped in a cloth baggie inside the box. The weight and feel of this lighter is unreal. Worth every penny!
The stuff on left was in a ziploc baggie marked "Free Gift!!" It included a tin of Hearth&Home Sunjammer and various samples including H&H Sweet & Savory (smells amazing btw), an unmarked pouch of some nice smelling tobacco, and a sample pouch of Peter Stokkebye "Golden Dansk." Also a Pipes and Cigars 2012 calendar!
Thank you Pipesandcigars.com, really made made day, especially after a crappy morning at work!