I am a huge fan of meerschaum pipes and have six or seven. Some are expensive and some not so. My biggest frustration is the stem. I’ve sent a couple of my meers to a pipe repair man and they came back with fairly nice, solid, still thin, acrylic, black stems. This is what I want. But this process takes a long time and is not easy on the wallet. What I’m trying to do now is find an accessible way to re-stem all of my meerschaums with good, solid, black, acrylic stems that aren’t cheap in quality But don’t take as much effort to acquire. Apart from sending every single Meer pipe to be given its own black acrylic stem, is there any other way? Ps. I’ve been through all the familiar pipe repair folks for this. The results, finding dependable black acrylic stems for my meers at a reasonable price and time commitment, has been hit or miss at best.
Has anyone found a good solution for this? Thanks!
Has anyone found a good solution for this? Thanks!