I can show you a few meers I've smoked for years in their various stages of coloring but, they've been posted here before. All of my pipes color from the inside out. I keep the outer shell as clean as possible. Years age I did the white cotton glove thing. I've determined, anecdotally of course, that simply keeping dirty hands off the meer keeps the shell clean. I've also determined, anecdotally of course, that bee's wax on the shell will simply turn the pipe a shade I call "baby shit" yellow. All of my meerschaums started out a pristine white, I have no love for the waxy colored pipes on the market these days. But, I thoroughly enjoy the knowledge that all of my pipes are coloring naturally, no outer wax to hide the metamorphosis.
Obviously, if you soak a pipe with a clean, no manufacturer's combination wax and whatever coating, the porosity will allow coloring from the outside. The veins run throughout the mineral, nature's gift to the smoker, magic coloring! A pattern which cannot be foretold, only happily discovered. But, we smoke inside the bowl, at least most of us do I presume, so the pipe colors from the inside out. It's no secret. It's a straight forward process,nothing arcane or even magical about the process.
I'm only making the observation that, enjoy as you might, you're simply covering ground which was covered centuries ago. But, if doing so fills a void, enjoy your pursuit. I'm also betting that over a hundred years ago curious smokers were cutting their pipes up, soaking them, having subalterns smoke them 24/7 and making the exact same determinations that you have or will.
I'm not trying to deter you in search for "truth". So, if you find your experiments entertaining, happily keep at it. Are you wasting time and effort? I think so but, my opinion shouldn't matter a whit to you. You should think of it as, "time
well wasted."