fireman03 --
Maybe your tobacco is too wet? Probably not by your description, but, just in case . . .
If you lift a clump of it, say 4” - 6” in the air and drop it back down, if it stays together, then it’s too wet. It should separate a little.
If too wet – let it air out.
If too dry – it’ll flake apart with the same 4” – 6” drop test.
If too dry, you can simply add a few drops of water and the moisture will even out after a few hours, or you can mist it if you have a hand sprayer.
It's probaby this . . . the bottom of your new pipe has never developed a cake: let your pipe rest and dry out a few days, then smoke a bottom third or half of your bowl, allowing a cake to build up on the lower portion of the bowl, too – and when you finish your smoke, you can remove the dottle and ash, then drop the ash back in and swirl it along the bottom, aiding in building up the cake. Let dry, repeat enough til the cake looks even in the bowl.
Once you have an even build up in the bowl and the right moisture in the tobacco, it should burn fine.