I suppose that’d work. But, it kinda takes the fun/journey out of it doesn’t it?
I mean, I don't personally care about it coloring faster, it's just a question I see posed a lot, so I wondered if anyone considered or tried that.
Seems past handful of years, especially last two years, forums inundated with people trying to reinvent the wheel in the most bizarre ways possible when it doesn't need to be reinvented. Can't think of a good term for it but to continue the analogy, it's like someone asking: "instead of casting a wheel of metal, has anyone tried casting one out of concrete". That or asking questions of a different way to do something just because it's different, even knowing not necessarily improved. I think someone else speculated it was AI asking questions trying to learn.
Or for a real world example, just a few days ago, someone on a motorcycle forum I am on started a thread about "starting a motorcycle on the kickstand vs upright and level" and asked about advantages or disadvantages. I called it immediately with a sarcastic post saying "waiting for dumb oil flow theories to be posted" with a popcorn emoji. Few hours later, OP of that thread posted exactly that, some nonsense over-thinking theory by someone with no mechanics knowledge/skill about better oil flow or oil starvation by starting on the kickstand vs starting it standing up.
It's like they had started the thread with that idea in mind without saying it just to see if someone else would confirm their belief, and when everyone said "makes no difference", then they posed their theory.