And please post pictures or else it didn't happen!Wipe the chamber out with a wet towel, allow to dry, and try sticking your tongue to the inside of the chamber. If it sticks, you've got block meer.
And please post pictures or else it didn't happen!Wipe the chamber out with a wet towel, allow to dry, and try sticking your tongue to the inside of the chamber. If it sticks, you've got block meer.
Yep. My autocorrect has gone off the deep end lately.Did you mean "rims"?
I would do it myself but I threw away all my meers back in the Spring.And please post pictures or else it didn't happen!
Yes it is.I've never smoked a meer so forgive me if I'm showing my naivety but is the tongue sticking a thing?
mso489 said:Even buying from a reputable retailer, the original sources, materials, and details (about the stem mount etc.) seem to be sketchy with the best of retailers. I'm sure long-time Meerschaum smokers learn about all of this, one way or another, but it is more obscure than information about briar pipes and cobs, I feel. I'm not sure what you have there, but I share your uncertainty.
This pipe has been handmade in Eskişehir Turkey which is the homeland to the highest quality block meerschaum pipes
This is what concerns me somewhat. All that tends to be stated is that it's genuine Turkish block, with the most detail being Etsy seller 'Turmeermar' saying:
Which is nice to know, although I could be unreasonably cynical and note that he's not actually saying his pipes are made from said blocks! While I'm joking there, I really would like more detail as if nothing else it leaves me with little on which to base my choice. Every pipe is "100% Genuine Turkish block" (as opposed to that 98% genuine stuff, right?) and so aside from designs, it's a bit of a crapshoot.
One other thing that puts me off with some is the stems - I'm not a fan of this sort:
Which is a shame as it comes in at £100 and the basket-like bowl is really beautiful with a pleasing pot like shape.
What I really like is this:
Now that's a basket fit for a king cobra, and with a stem that's just as fine. This one is £125 and described as "double layered XL pipe" with a length of 18.5cm and a weight of 101g. Makes sense so far, but wait...
What we have here is a "double layered large pipe", 15.5cm in length and weighing just 80g. Riddle me this though, what could account for it coming in at a whopping £180?
These are from 'The Pipe Shop - Edinburgh' and I do get very good wholesome vibes from their outlet but the fact that all of their meerschaum pipes (beside the budget option from pressed meerschaum) have the same description leaves me scratching my head.
And while I'm spamming the pipe pics, here's one from our friend Turmeermar:
£137 with free postage (and a £20 customs fee most likely) - 16cm in length, weight unstated.
I love the thought of owning any of these, stubby stemmed aside, but it's hard to throw down £150 approx ($180) without a little more detail besides size, weight and the promise of 100% genuine block. If anyone knows of any pertinent questions to ask of these sellers, that'd be of help. Thanks again all around for the responses, I'd never have guessed that a pipe magazine website's specific subcategory forums would be so active. I love this place.
This is what concerns me somewhat. All that tends to be stated is that it's genuine Turkish block, with the most detail being Etsy seller 'Turmeermar' saying:
Which is nice to know, although I could be unreasonably cynical and note that he's not actually saying his pipes are made from said blocks! While I'm joking there, I really would like more detail as if nothing else it leaves me with little on which to base my choice. Every pipe is "100% Genuine Turkish block" (as opposed to that 98% genuine stuff, right?) and so aside from designs, it's a bit of a crapshoot.
One other thing that puts me off with some is the stems - I'm not a fan of this sort:
Which is a shame as it comes in at £100 and the basket-like bowl is really beautiful with a pleasing pot like shape.
What I really like is this:
Now that's a basket fit for a king cobra, and with a stem that's just as fine. This one is £125 and described as "double layered XL pipe" with a length of 18.5cm and a weight of 101g. Makes sense so far, but wait...
What we have here is a "double layered large pipe", 15.5cm in length and weighing just 80g. Riddle me this though, what could account for it coming in at a whopping £180?
These are from 'The Pipe Shop - Edinburgh' and I do get very good wholesome vibes from their outlet but the fact that all of their meerschaum pipes (beside the budget option from pressed meerschaum) have the same description leaves me scratching my head.
And while I'm spamming the pipe pics, here's one from our friend Turmeermar:
£137 with free postage (and a £20 customs fee most likely) - 16cm in length, weight unstated.
I love the thought of owning any of these, stubby stemmed aside, but it's hard to throw down £150 approx ($180) without a little more detail besides size, weight and the promise of 100% genuine block. If anyone knows of any pertinent questions to ask of these sellers, that'd be of help. Thanks again all around for the responses, I'd never have guessed that a pipe magazine website's specific subcategory forums would be so active. I love this place.