Brigham makes a great pipe for the money. My first good "real" pipe (not a cob or basket briar) was a pair of Brighams. You should be happy with yours.
Eta: For tobaccos, for right now, the only thing I can think is to get a bunch of samples. Go onto and get an ounce of like 4 different ones that strike your fancy. Try to avoid heavily cased and topped aromatics like Captain Black or Autumn Evening for now. Aros tend to be a little less forgiving of less than stellar techniques.
Find a medium English, a burley based, maybe a va/per, and Sutliff makes some decent matches for the old drug store blends like Carter* Hall Prince Albert*.
If I were to order a sampler set of tobaccos for a newer pipe smoker, my order would look like this (one ounce each). Peter Stokkebye's English Luxury or Sutliff'sEastfarthing, Sutliff's Victorian (or Match Elizabethian, depending on your supplier), C&D's Haunted Bookshop (they have a ton of decent burley options, and any should work, but I've known too many cigar smokers who love HB over others), and Sutliff's Field and Stream Match or Carter Hall*.
*Carter Hall, Prince Albert, and Granger (another great codger blend) are generally sold in 12oz tubs. However WVsmokeshop has them for sale in bulk by the ounce. If you want the real thing and not the Sutliff matches, I'd suggest getting just an ounce from wvsmokeshop.