I can understand completely. I came back from the Navy in summer 1972 to attend grad school, and I have been learning ever since what blocks of cultural activity I completely missed. I did see the moon landing on TV while we were waxing the floor while I was in radioman school. And they did play the movie "Woodstock" on the mess decks of the minesweeper i was aboard. But TV shows, movies, musical groups, and personalities from that era ... many of them are completely lost on me. I think of it as the Rip Vanwinkle effect. So back to Virginia tobacco. No one else has emerged as a consummate master of Virginia blends, with that scrupulous sourcing of tobaccos and that attention to detail. However, from blender to blender there are scores of excellent Va and Va/Per blends. You just have to shop a lot, read reviews, sample in small quantities, and find what you like. With most McClelland blends, you couldn't miss. No one's going to do them that way again.