Needless to say... it's gone. It sucks, many of us liked many of their blends (I'm a HUGE fan of Blue Mountain/Balkan Blue), but luckily there are literally thousands of other great blends by other great blenders out there.
It basically went something like this... McClelland announced they were closing up shop due to availability of the quality of the leaf they used for their blends. They would not skimp on their name and quality of the blends. FDA regulations may or may not have also played a role in that. They would not sell to another blender, as they didn't want to take the risk of another blender making compromises and dirtying the name of the wonderful blends they created. They were closing shop, done, finis, adios amigo, dasvidaniya, Auf Wiedersehen, chow, arrivederci, sayonara, peace out brothers and sisters. Chaos ensued, pipe smokers bought out all the McClellands they could get their hands on, some bought out all they could hoping to make a buck on Ebay. And they did! A tin that was 10 dollars the day before was suddenly selling for 150 dollars the next day. There was much crying, and screaming, and gnashing of teeth. The sky rained frogs, there were swarms of locusts, people broke out in terrible boils, and the first born sons died of terrible plague.... wait a minute.... well, it wasn't quite all that. Forget everything I said after "gnashing of teeth." Maybe. But we all suffered a great loss. We are all scarred by the trauma. Hell came upon earth that day!
And now you know the story. :
