good luck too you colcolt, i know what your dog means too you sir. for most of us our pets are part of the family. my wife and i just put our boxer down in july, she had cancer, we where with her of course when she died. we rescued her, she was an older boxer, very sweet. we miss her very much, in fact i start crying whenever i think or talk about her. we have had boxers for over 30 years, with the last 3 being rescued. agian i hope your dog is ok colcolt. our hearts have been broken again, but we should all know , and i think we all understand that our beloved pets are going to dye. i do not like to think about it. iam sad right now. i miss my baby (zoey). GOOD LUCK TOO YOU COLCOLT AND YOUR BELOVED DOG. i believe our pets bring us happiness.
take care.