Maryland Bans Internet Sales of Pipe Tobacco and all OTP

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Can't Leave
Dec 12, 2010
Any new update on this travesty? I have searched online and can find scant information on this? Does anyone know what, if any, actions can be taken to ward th is off?



Smoking a Pipe Right Now
Staff member
Nov 16, 2008
St. Petersburg, FL
@flipflopsandshades, papipeguy, and everyone else ...
Retailers will just have to use boxes without their business name on them. Who's to know? This will be much ado about nothing. Again, the state will not and cannot monitor private mail.
They can read these forums though. Perhaps some things shouldn't be discussed in public.
Any new update on this travesty? I have searched online and can find scant information on this?
We broke this news and there is nothing about it anywhere else. That's doing our job at being the best.
This is also another example of one of the many times they just try to, and successfully sneak through bad laws that should never become laws. It's all done in secret behind closed doors, and it's a done deal before anyone can even protest.
Does anyone know what, if any, actions can be taken to ward this off?
Got a couple million bucks I can borrow?
I have one of the best attorneys (actually a few of them) in the US and I have been discussing this and other similar situations for a while now at $450 an hour. Then I remembered I had to eat and pay all my other bills too.
Once again, it comes down to money. It is super expensive and time consuming and the antis are much better funded than the smokers.



Can't Leave
Dec 12, 2010
I don't know how I am going to purchase my favorite bulk blends from online e-tailers. :( This is beyond comprehension. Davidus Cigars sent me an email regarding the tax portion of this horrendous bill, which in and of itself is downright gestapo-ish and maybe I will post it later.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 28, 2010
New Jersey
Update on the ACLU front: Nothing!
Thinking in hind site I should have opened the letter stating I was a Black, Gay, Muslim (please if anyone falls in any or all of these please do not take offence cause I mean none.) I believe that the ACLU would have been all over that and brought the news crews with them. Hell the ACLU lawyers should be drooling over the potental backing(cash) from the tobacco companies.
Alas, I have not totally given up hope. I just need to find the right party or group that will listen.
*Edit* If anyone know how or where to get ahold of a phone number or E-mail of any of the Teaparty Big wigs please PM me the info.



Jan 31, 2011
Yes, it's primarily about revenue because the states are going bankrupt. Tobacco is always the first thing targeted because it's socially acceptable to attack it and because the taxes on it are so high. But as the economy continues to deteriorate, I expect all internet commerce to be squeezed for state taxes, one way or another.



Staff member
Apr 8, 2009
Kevin Said: Just imagine how Bob feels. He works for, and lives in Maryland.
So this not only totally screws up his beloved hobby, it is also making it harder for him to earn a living.
Yeah this really sucks and is going to hinder me a lot when I go to try and do a review of a new blend.
It is about revenue. They secretly passed this bill a year ago and I never heard anything about it until last week when I told Kevin. It was done in advance of them trying to raise the OTP tax from 15% to 90%. That is what is up next. If you live in Maryland PLEASE write your representatives and tell them to vote against this draconian tax increase. Everyone can read more about the tax increase here:
Proposed Maryland Tobacco Tax Increase is Anti-Business
Along with this crap, Maryland is also trying to raise the Alcohol Tax on all adult beverages. And of course they are saying that it is for the health of the people.
HB121/SB168 will increase the state tax rates for alcoholic beverages sold in Maryland from $1.50 to $10.03 per gallon for distilled spirits, from 40 cents to $2.96 per gallon for wine, and from 9 cents to $1.16 per gallon for beer – an average increase of 790%.
It breaks down something like this:
1.75L bottle of alcohol will go up around $2.50

750ml bottle of wine will go up around $0.75

6-pack of beer will go up around $0.60
On the face of it, it doesn't seem like too drastic of an increase. But when is enough enough? They are taxing the hell out of everybody and everything. It seems that the more taxes that are implemented and the higher that they go, that the government has less and less money. When Americans were not taxed the way that they are today, it seemed that the government has more funds.



Staff member
Apr 8, 2009
I think what we should do is organize a march on Annapolis where we have all kind of people from Maryland, not just people concerned about tobacco. I think that it would be more affective if we protested about everything and magnify our voices.
Everyone who is pissed off about the mail order ban, tobacco taxes, alcohol taxes, smoking bans, taxes in general, everything. It would be a much larger crowd by integrating everyone into one group, pissed off citizens of the state.
Everyone in every state should do it and march and protest on the state capitol.



Feb 3, 2011
Seems I have heard of a group that is actively protesting, getting national attention, heck getting some unelected and others elected. Seems they are all about lower taxes and smaller government.
Tea anyone?



Mar 9, 2010
As a American I wonder why we keep saving Europe when we could not wait to get the hell out of there
A bit like how the french assisted in the american war of independence? ;)
"From the perspective of the American Revolution, however, the high point of French support is the landing of five battalions of French infantry and artillery in Rhode Island in 1780. In 1781, these French troops under the command of Count Rochambeau marched south to Virginia where they joined Continental forces under Washington and Lafayette. Cornwallis, encamped on the Yorktown peninsula, hoped to be rescued by the British navy. A French fleet under the command of Admiral DeGrasse intercepted and, after a fierce battle lasting several days, defeated the British fleet and forced it to withdraw. This left the French navy to land heavy siege cannon and other supplies and trapped Cornwallis on the Yorktown peninsula."
Do you need us europeans to come rescue you again? :lol:

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