Call yourself a hipster and keep those pipes coming! In various discussions on Forums it has become clear that the word is so imprecise as to be meaningless. I guess it refers to young people -- we haven't really heard of old hipsters yet though that is coming -- and these young people put on what observers take to be affected garb or what an earlier generations called "airs," which is to say they are pretentious in some way, or taken as that. Most young people do some drama to annoy their elders whether it's wearing the pants at their knees, wearing perfectly good visor caps backwards so the visor does no good, wearing their t-shirts inside out, fill in the annoying sartorial habit of the week. In olden times this included hanging a big comb out of the back pocket or wearing a shower cap on the street. Go figure. I think this is more just youthful defiance, which up to a point is a good thing. Rarely is it either hip or stirring. So fear not, it is an insult -- if it is an insult -- without much meaning.