This morning I pulled the trigger on this bad boy! Just yesterday I discovered Mario Gandi pipes and when I started looking at them this pipe jumped out at me. I went to bed thinking about it, woke up thinking about it, then said enough just buy it. Not knowing much about Mario Grandi I did a little research and it seems they are a good bang for the buck if you look closely and avoid obvious flaws. I saw many for sale that were really great looking pipes but after taking a closer look at the pictures I could see some flaws that I didn't want in a pipe for that price. The picture of the one I bought shows a little gap at the base of the stem on the top side (I know I'm being picky here) but it doesn't look that bad but I will have to wait and see it in person. It's funny to see how my tastes in pipes has changed over the years and I have grown to appreciate the more abstract styles, this being my first. I have high hopes that this pipe wont disappoint because I would love to add more artisan styled pipes to my collection but I cant afford artisan prices. Anyone care to share pictures of Mario Grandis they own and their experiences?