So, I did a bit of updating in my 'office' today.
I added a shelf unit that I made for the previous house. It didn't fit into the kitchen here, so it became a shelf in my office. I think it will work great. It has an LED light strip that has a remote. Right now it is set to red, any color can be chosen as well as brightness. Pretty neat thing actually. Most of my carbide lamp collection (I am an old worn out miner and spelunker) is on two of the shelves and pipes started occupying another shelf. My little dawg is guarding from my chair.
The new shelf allowed moving some stuff around. Now my train has a home. I have had that one since I was maybe 4 years old. Now it has a place of honor again.
I added a shelf unit that I made for the previous house. It didn't fit into the kitchen here, so it became a shelf in my office. I think it will work great. It has an LED light strip that has a remote. Right now it is set to red, any color can be chosen as well as brightness. Pretty neat thing actually. Most of my carbide lamp collection (I am an old worn out miner and spelunker) is on two of the shelves and pipes started occupying another shelf. My little dawg is guarding from my chair.
The new shelf allowed moving some stuff around. Now my train has a home. I have had that one since I was maybe 4 years old. Now it has a place of honor again.