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So I've been using Pipemasters clean and cure for normal pipes and only tend to break out the rubbing alcohol for really old nasty pipes. Then I had an idea, it's a bit out there I'm sure. Why not take good old Tennessee Moonshine, and I'm not talking about the legal kind, and stick it in a bottle with vanilla beans. I smoke alot of aros so adding a hint of vanilla doesn't sound all that bad. I've got a few older pipes soaking with it right now. I'll let you know how it turns out. My only concern is the sugars that could get leached out of the beans, but I think it will be low enough to not be an issue.

So I've been using Pipemasters clean and cure for normal pipes and only tend to break out the rubbing alcohol for really old nasty pipes. Then I had an idea, it's a bit out there I'm sure. Why not take good old Tennessee Moonshine, and I'm not talking about the legal kind, and stick it in a bottle with vanilla beans. I smoke alot of aros so adding a hint of vanilla doesn't sound all that bad. I've got a few older pipes soaking with it right now. I'll let you know how it turns out. My only concern is the sugars that could get leached out of the beans, but I think it will be low enough to not be an issue.

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