Cunning licks!
I couldn't ever find much about the old steam presses back when I looked, a long (pun) laundry list to go through and still not find anything of much value...
...but there was one document that laid it out fairly well and described the process.
First, a simple plug would be made using 1 ton per sq. in. for 5 mins in a regular hydraulic press,
when finished, each plug was wrapped with whole leaf specially selected for appearance
The wrapped plugs are then again pressed at 750 lbs/in² for 1 min to set them
then a pressure of 2 tons/in² is applied for 2 mins
they are then transferred to a steam-jacketed press and applied with a pressure of 750 lbs/in² for 2 hours
then 2 tons/in² is applied and the press is locked, but the pressure is removed, to be left overnight
the next day the press is unlocked and steamed in situ at 25 lbs/in² for 30 mins
(steam and pressure applied together would cause the press to burst)
steam is shut off and a pressure of 750 lbs/in² is applied for the remainder of the day until at the close of the day when the 2 ton pressure cycle is repeated and the press is again locked overnight
This alternate plugging, pressing, steaming, and pressing gives the standard dark color and very smooth smoking qualities...