No, alcohol and cannabis are completely different in more ways than one.
One drinks alcohol in excess to forget.
Cannabis has the exact opposite where it throws in ones face whatever it is that one's attempting to hide. It tends to force one to confront ones issues.
Cannabis has tremendous healing qualities [apart from treating my chronic nerve pain, her anti-inflammatory effects has stopped the progression of my 'terminal' vascular disease]
Cannabis was widely prescribed back in the day to treat multiple conditions.
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That was until Rockefeller started Big pHarma.
Since pHarmaceuticals are unable to compete with a safe natural plant that one can't patent, TPTB demonised cannabis with nonsense like the Marijuana Madness campaign. [How astounding how people to this day still believe that ridiculous propaganda]
In mans entire history there's not been a single death due to cannabis use.
Alcohol on the other hand has caused the death of millions.
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The push towards decriminalisation of cannabis was due to pressure from citizens.
Were it left up to our so-called representatives, cannabis would not ever be decriminalised.
They'd much prefer the 'great unwashed' to be wasted on alcohol than a mind opening medicine like cannabis.
Just saying . . . .